3 Things To Avoid During Ghost Month

Strange things happen when the gates of hell are open. Ghost Month (or what is known by Feng Shui practitioners as Hungry Ghost Festival) officially begins on the 22nd of August and lasts for an entire lunar month. Although commonly a tradition practiced by the Chinese, Filipinos have slowly started observing many of these practices. Ghost Month is said to be a period during the seventh month of the lunar cycle where the King of Hell Yama, opens the gates for spirits to walk freely on the Earth. The dead are said to be hungry, resulting to the practice done by their living relatives to prepare elaborate and lavish meals to appease them. Many spirits, however, come back to Earth to harm the living or those who have inflicted pain on them. During the Ghost Months there are many do’s and don’ts. We list down three things you should avoid during this year’s Ghost Month…


Avoid purchasing new homes or opening businesses during this sacred 7th lunar month. It is said to be unlucky and can result to disaster. Many top businesspeople look at the Ghost Month as mere myth, although the number of believers in the Philippines easily matches in size. Investments and financial interactions tend to stop during the Ghost Month, just as extra precaution. This includes nay renovations you may want to do to your home (loud sounds and banging walls agitate the spirits), hiring new employees, and even writing a check.


Try not to go out at night as spirits are said to follow people home. It is suggested that people (most especially children who are more vulnerable to possession) avoid late night outings as much as possible. Humans are weaker during nightfall, allowing spirits to easily enter their bodies. It is also a common practice never to stick close walls as spirits have the tendency to stick to them as well. Do not pick up any loose change or cash bills found on the streets. Bringing them back home may make it easier for the spirits who may live in these items to move to your body. Lastly, never turn around when you are tapped on the shoulder. It may be a trick for you to turn around quickly, allowing the spirit to enter.


There are many practices that can be done for your protection from mischievous spirits during Ghost Month. For instance, incense in an empty can burned during the 14th day can be done to protect and cleanse the home. Make sure the incense is burnt outside, near the front of the house. A Peach Wood 7-Stars Sword may also be a powerful tool to scare away ghosts. Used by Taoist during exorcisms, you can have this piece hanging onto your body, displayed around your home and even put it inside your vehicle. Other amulets such as the Dorje Dzi, Fu Dogs, Door Gods and Kwan Kung also repeal ghosts when displayed in sight.

Text by Chino R. Hernandez


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