4 Local Charities Worth Your Attention (or How to Have a Meaningful 2019)

Happy New Year! To kick start the year, we’ve listed down four locally-based charities worth your time and attention. Always remember that living a meaningful life means giving back to the community in any shape or form. From donating cash to volunteering to help build a home, we have our suggestions below…

5 Loaves 2 Fishes Mission Foundation Inc.  

The locally-based 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes Mission Foundation Inc. (5L2F) is a non-government organization focused on helping the less fortunate in the Philippines. Funds from their generous donors go to helping kids pay for their education, feeding programs for children under the kindergarten age, and also dental and medical missions. To donate, simply visit their Facebook page and send them a message. Donations are not limited to cash, but to medical supplies and food as well. Doctors looking to give back can also volunteer their services for medical missions. 

Visit 5 Loaves 2 Fishes Mission Foundation Inc. on Facebook for more details at http://www.facebook.com/5L2F2014/

Habitat for Humanity Philippines

One of the most popular charitable groups in the world, Habitat for Humanity’s Philippine branch is playing their part at giving local families a chance at a better life. With over 4 million families in the country without a decent place to live, the organization aims to build good homes for people living in depressed areas or disaster-prone communities. Today, the organization has serviced over 140,000 families. Go their website to help their mission by donating. Habitat for Humanity is also searching for volunteers looking to do physical work such as building the houses from scratch!   

For more information and to volunteer, visit Habitat for Humanity Philippines at http://www.habitat.org.ph

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Actor Alden Richards helped Lifestyle Asia during our Make-a-Wish Foundation program on Mother's Day 2017
Actor Alden Richards helped Lifestyle Asia during our Make-a-Wish Foundation program on Mother’s Day 2017

Make-a-Wish Foundation Philippines  

In 2017, Lifestyle Asia participated in a few Make-a-Wish programs. What the organization is doing is quite beautiful, allowing kids with critical sicknesses to experience their dreams, whatever it may be. The process is easy, go to their website and simply tell them that you’re interested in making a wish come true. Wishes come in all forms, from a brand new toy to working a day of their dream careers, Make-a-Wish is a different type of charitable effort, worthy of contributing to. The foundation also accepts blind donations in check or cash. You can donate via their website, by clicking the link below.

For more information and to donate visit Make-a-Wish Foundation Philippines at http://makeawish.org.ph


Founded by game changer Alex Eduque, MovEd (Molding Optimism and Values Through Education) has the mission “to provide early childhood care and development programs in underserved communities through holistic education, providing children with the foundation to succeed in school.” MovEd’s first school opened on November 19, 2019, at the Habitat for Humanity Philippines Housing Site in Brgy. Tanza, Navotas City. Since then, they have been unstoppable, continuously changing the lives of Filipino children through quality education. Today, they’ve branched out to many fundraising activities, including spinning classes and other charitable activities. You, too, can be a “mover” by volunteering (Teacher for the day, Master Storyteller etc.), donating, or sponsoring a child. All the details can be found at their website.

For more information and to donate or volunteer visit http://www.moved.org.ph

RELATED READS: Lifestyle Asia x Make a Wish Foundation with Alden Richards and Ruru Madrid

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