How To Achieve All Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of the year again where you promise to lose 20 pounds this year and live a “happier and more meaningful life”. We’re not saying this is completely impossible, however, it has become quite generic.

Before you take out your notepads and start on your vision boards, we urge you to halt for a second and consider the following: Rewire your goals and resolutions based on what you want to feel, and not what you want to accomplish.

This brilliant thought process was raised by bestselling author Danielle LaPorte, whose book The Desire Map tackles numerous ways on how one can achieve true, holistic happiness by achieving true desires, rather than superficial goals.


In the book, LaPorte reminds us that often times, we are blinded by the need for more success (in all aspects of life) that we lose track of ourselves and our true desires as individuals. This, to most, is a major lightbulb moment (us included).

With that, here are just some ideas based on The Desire Map that will help you craft a better new year’s resolution list:

  1. It’s not about the goal. It’s about how you want to feel when you get there.
  2. Ask yourself how you want to feel in lifestyle, body and wellness, relationships and society, and write stream of consciousness lists for each.
  3. Eliminate what you don’t resonate with.
  4. Identify your core desired feelings (ex. happiness, confidence, sexiness, love)
  5. Ask yourself “What am I going to do today/this quarter/this year to feel the way that I want to feel?”

For more on this, you can watch Marie Forleo’s interview with LaPorte herself and see how the author describes the act of true goal setting.

With that, we wish you a prosperous 2018 ahead filled with the fruition of all your core desired feelings.


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