Photography Accounts You Should Follow on Instagram

Renowned photographer Irving Penn once said, “A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart, and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it.” Whether it’s an elaborate fashion layout or a picturesque seascape, a good photograph has the power to inspire, delight, or provoke the viewer via subject matter, composition, and other key elements. Here are eight Instagram accounts in eight different categories showcasing images that were captured in the most creative, imaginative, and expressive ways. Some feature exclusive, original content while others are curated by a team of discerning specialists. 


Spanish photographer @jord_ing specializes in capturing moody, atmospheric images of forests, mountainsides, and bodies of water in the scenic region of Catalunya. Occasionally, he also posts stunning photos of local wildlife and some of the area’s abandoned older buildings. There are over 1,300 images to marvel at and new pictures are posted almost every day. 


@macenzo is photographer/graphic designer Dirk Bakker’s collection of striking architectural images. The Amsterdam-based artist captures distinctive lines and patterns which are sometimes manipulated or rearranged to create hypnotic collages. His images are works of modern art; each stunning photo is guaranteed to instill a sense of awe and wonder in the viewer.


New life is breathed into old photographs via color in @historycolored, a curated collection of images featuring personages, events, and everyday moments from different periods of history. If you’ve always wondered what historical figures and moments look like in color, this account is for you. Proficient colorists have rendered monochromatic images in living color and the results are fascinating. 


Photographer Miguel Angel explores the world to bring us the most vivid, and vibrant photos of amazing sights in Spain, Portugal, Greece, India, Morocco, Turkey, and other countries. His account, @delafuentecam, is a spectacular album of over 700 travel photos that are guaranteed to inspire and delight.


One of the best IG accounts that focuses on food photography is Manila’s very own @stillsundayco. Each mouth-watering image features amazing lighting, gorgeous props, and skillful styling. With their evocative layouts and lush aesthetic, this collective of talented photographers and food stylists has developed a wide international following. 


There’s nothing quite as fabulous as fashion and fashion photography from the 1950s to the 1980s. Lensed by celebrated legends like Norman Parkinson, Richard Avedon, Horst P. Horst, Bert Stern, and many others, you’ll see exquisite ballgowns by the likes of Givenchy and dazzling mod creations by Jean Patou and Pucci being modeled by some of the world’s most glamorous women. @retrofashionphotography has curated hundreds of amazing photographs and every single one is sure to inspire anyone who’s into style and beauty. 

Still Life

Marcus Rodriguez is a UK based web developer and designer who takes picturesque still life photographs that resemble classic paintings. His tabletop arrangements of flowers, china, fruits, silverware and other elements are brought to life through his masterful use of lighting and composition. Over 900 posts featuring his remarkable work can be viewed in @memoryweaver.


Shooting mainly in dramatic black and white, Japanese photographer Akihito Nagata specializes in capturing fascinating cityscapes (mostly of Tokyo) in @abu888. Most of Nagata’s work, like the shots of modern structures and interiors, has a strong graphic appeal; others capture movement and action. Occasionally, Nagata will break away from contemporary urban settings and include a rare color image or a vignette taken by the sea. 

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