Who else lives and breathes fashion? Whenever we scroll through Instagram and see posts from these five designers, we’re always bitten by the fashion bug. They make us want to crawl into the world of couture and live there for the remainder of our days. We’ve collated five fabulous new IG posts from Dubai-based designer Michael Cinco, the elegant Maureen Disini, the ever popular Francis Libiran, modern woman and Lifestyle Asia November cover girl Patty Ang, and the classic Mark Bumgarner. This is an appropriate Monday night, BEAUTY BREAK!
From designing the gowns of royal princesses and Hollywood celebrities to high-powered beauty tycoon Vicki Belo on her wedding day, Dubai-based designer MICHAEL CINDO can do no wrong. His Instagram feed is pristine. Last week, we had a chat with the internationally acclaimed designer and asked him some questions on fashion do’s and don’ts. You can read that over here.
MAUREEN DISINI isn’t only one of the most versatile designers working today, but she also goes out of her way to make sure our little ones are elegant as well. A chunk of her feed is dedicated to dainty dresses with her signature bow, worn by some of society’s cutest, most fashionable tots.
FRANCIS LIBIRAN is all about the details and we’re obsessed. As his popular grows each year, he only gets better. He’s like a good bottle of wine, but this time, in the form of a great creative mind in haute couture.
Our recent November cover girl PATTY ANG dresses the modern woman and has made it her mission to make them feel strong and confident. Everything she designs and posts on her Instagram feed is also a reflection of her personal style, which is effortless and cool.
The classic sensibilities of MARK BUMGARNER has taken the fashion world by storm since his debut not too long ago. It seems that there is no stopping the young designer, whose designs make everybody who wears them feel like a modern day princess.