Merz Aesthetics®’ “Confidence Beyond The Frame” campaign wants you to step out of the perfect life gallery of social media and embrace the best version of yourself by refusing the pressure of unrealistic beauty standards.
In an ever-growing transformative digital world, we are only a few clicks away from getting everything we desire. From keeping updated on current trends and events to connecting with families and friends, everything is just within reach. But as time flows, many people use social media the wrong way.
Confidence is being based on each post uploaded: the more reactions it garners, the more worth you seem to have; the fewer reactions, the irrelevant you seem to be. Hence, more and more users resort to photo manipulation—imposing unrealistic beauty standards, a form of self-rejection to receive public attention and validation.
Combatting this unhealthy and self-destructing phenomenon, Merz Aesthetics® Serendipity Journey® launched its Confidence Beyond The Frame campaign to remind every social media user that there is an authentic, gold standard of life and beauty beyond the social media frames, and that is the confidence that starts in you.
An empowering journey
Coming to your confident self may not be easy for others. Confidence Beyond The Frame partners with renowned dermatologists as they shared tips on how you can begin your journey toward building self-confidence.
“My definition of confidence is someone who is comfortable with their own beauty. They can face the world feeling confident about themselves and the way people perceive them.”
Dermatologist Dr. Jonathan Nevin Yu shared how you begin to be confident
Celebrate your uniqueness. From that, you can face the world with a more positive outlook, and the people around you will notice it. And if you want to change and to be the best version of yourself, you have to do it for yourself, and not for the sake of others.
“I’ve always felt that medical aesthetic treatments help people embrace their individuality with confidence… Medical aesthetics is an important form of self-care and one that gives people the confidence to become the best version of themselves.”
Dr. Yu expressed on the importance of confidence and self-care
Not what you want is what is best for yourself. Also renowned dermatologist Dr. Gaile Robredo-Vitas emphasized how she is paying keen and particular attention to what the patient wants and what is actually best fitting for the patient’s needs.
“Always remember to seek the help of a practitioner with a lot of experience and results you desire for a hyper-personalized treatment.”
Dr. Robredo-Vitas on the need to trust professionals
Shy for questions? The doctors got it for you
In this campaign, Dr. Robredo-Vitas made herself transparent by answering frequently asked questions for those people on the fence about medical aesthetics.
When asked if she underwent medical aesthetics herself, “Yes, I have. In fact, I’ve done quite a few including anti-wrinkle injections, Hyaluronic filler injections, on my lips, cheeks, and temples, and combined with micro-focused ultrasound visualization to address skin laxity,” she answered. She also boldly declared that she is ready to say no to patients with unrealistic expectations.
“I also advise it if I feel that my patient will not benefit from the procedure or treatment that he or she wants. Instead, I give my recommendations.”
Dr. Robredo-Vitas on prioritizing what is best for patients
The challenge of building self-confidence goes to both women and men. Men now, more than ever, are also starting to look after themselves in terms of presenting themselves best and practicing self-care.
“Men often coming wanted to smoothen their wrinkles, reduce their jowls, and to reduce their double chin. They end up wanting a more chiselled jawline and a more masculine look.”
Dr. Yu on men being the best version of themselves
Dr. Yu said through this campaign that men are highly welcome for medical aesthetics to boost their self-confidence and encourages men to be confident and the best version of themselves.
Face the facts
Making more reasons to bring the Confidence Beyond The Frame campaign to life are the results of a commissioned study by Merz Aesthetics® on “Social Media’s Influence on Confidence in APAC Consumer Study”. 4,000 consumers were surveyed in which results shone a light on how the prevalence of “perfected” photos on social media led to unrealistic and unachievable beauty standards. 82 percent admitted they post edited photos of themselves on social media; 56 percent said they do not have the confidence to show their unedited, real selves on the digital platforms, 73 percent felt worried to receive negative attractions from the public because of their unedited photos, and interestingly, 93 percent of the participants believed that aesthetic treatments would help them feel more confident.

It is the very emphasis of Merz Aesthetics® through their Confidence Beyond The Frame campaign to own your confidence back with great love for your body, whether on-screen or off-screen, and refuse to follow the unhealthy, self-rejection form of unrealistic beauty standards brought by the social media pressure. Learn and relearn what you know about beauty and make a reality that is truly, beautifully yours.
Merz Aesthetics®, Serendipity Journey® and Ultherapy® are registered trademarks of Merz group of companies. To know more about Merz Aesthetics® Serendipity Journey®‘s latest campaign and aesthetic treatments, check out their Facebook and Instagram. Merz Philippines Healthcare Inc. is located at 10/F Ore Central Bldg, 9th Ave cor 31st St., Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. PHMASJPR02012023