Casa de Memoria Opens Fourth Main Auction for 2020

Just in time for the holidays, Cuatro offers nearly 200 choice lots of home pieces for your home and holiday gifting.

As Christmas draws closer and gift buying poses more of a challenge than usual with the pandemic, Casa de Memoria’s announcement of Cuatro, their fourth main auction of the year, comes as fortunate timing for those seeking for something extra special to gift this year.

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Cuatro is their upcoming online auction with a selection of 180 choice lots that are curated for home decorating and gift giving for the holidays. This season’s catalogue includes art, antiques, and collectibles for the enthusiasts; a variety of gilt, gild, and glint finds for those with a penchant for the shimmering; European pieces that celebrate the Orient, unique world furniture, and choice art from the Commonwealth to the contemporary—giving a variety of options to gift yourself as well as loved ones.

Lot 50: “Antipolis 1946” by Pablo Picasso, Lot 139: 19th Century Mother and Child Ivory Sculpture, and Lot 65: “Portrait of Young Artist” by Frederico Aguilar Alcuaz

To be held on November 28, 2020 (Saturday) at 2PM, Cuatro showcases curated European-Filipino antiquities and objets d’art that will not only make for a statement piece at your own home but can also act as a tasteful gift this Christmas. For those looking for vintage masculine pieces an ideal lot to eye would be the silver cigar box formerly owned by prominent Spanish statesman Don José Antonio Girón de Velasco, there’s also a Napoleon III style radiogram with 1950s radio and ‘Philips’ mono record player. For the ladies with a habit of adding some old world touch to their decorations this holiday season, the polychromed dinner set might just might your bid of choice. Other decorative standouts include the ivory triptych depicting England’s “Glorious Revolution of 1688,” and the Vermeil Tea and Coffee Set by Joyerías Aldao. 

Lot 132, Bidding starts at ₱35,000

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To add some jovial Chinoiserie, Cuatro also features European art pieces with Asian motifs, one such piece is the 18th century Burmese Alabaster Buddha Head in Shan Style as well as the thin solid 18 karat gold relief of Buddha circa 13th century Bayon period of the Khmer Empire. Fine art lovers can also look forward to delicate glass and crystal pieces like the Émile Gallé clear art glass, with intricate, hand-painted ribbons, flowers and dragonflies in enamel, a mid-to-late 19th century Peking glass plate in a rare amethyst color, and reverse glass paintings of Saints Francis of Assisi and Sebastian. 

Lot 61, Bidding starts at ₱30,000

And if you want to go grander, whether if it’s for yourself or to giveaway, the auction also offers paintings and furniture pieces that can liven any living space or at the very least act as a conversation piece, like the Milanese ebonized side chairs and various Bargueños from Spain with touch of Italian and Flemish styles, as well as paintings and lithography by revered Filipino and European artists, namely Fernando Zóbel de Ayala y Montojo, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali, to name a few.

To view the full catalogue, visit for more details. Online bidding ends on November 29, 2020, at 6PM. Lot descriptions from Casa de Memoria.

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