Designer Spotlight: The Rise of Rosenthal Tee

Upcoming designer Rosenthal Tee sat with us and answered some of our fashion related questions, including what the biggest fashion faux pas are, who inspires her, and who her current muses are.

LIFESTYLE ASIA: What influenced you to be a fashion designer? How did it all begin?

ROSENTHAL TEE: Both my grandmother and mother influenced me heavily in fashion and arts as a child, so growing up, my transition from painting to designing womenswear occurred very naturally to me. 

LA: Who are your style influences and fashion icons/heroes?  

RT: My style influence changes per season, since I’m moody that way. My fashion icons, definitely always include Tilda Swinton and Cate Blanchett in that they’re not necessarily what one would consider classically beautiful, but they definitely carry clothing in such a distinct manner that immediately bounces off the screen or image.

LA: Mention some milestones in your career.

RT: I Can Serve Spring Summer 2018, New York Fashion Week Spring Summer 2017, Mercedes Benz Stylo Asia Spring Summer 2015.

LA: How would you describe your style? Do you have any trademarks?

RT: My style is strongly feminine. I suspect that one of my strongest trademarks is an embellished origami bow, with a play on texture through lace and feathers, and, an extra touch of Swarovski crystal. 

LA: Who are your current muses and why?

RT: This season it’s all about Cher with a little bit of local It-Girl Martine Cajucom for me, just in time for all my proms and first-quarter brides.

LA: What kind of woman wears Rosenthal Tee?

RT: My kind of woman has a deep appreciation for clothes that are able to transform the wearer into one who is strong, utterly feminine, and distinctly confident.  I enable each of my clients to be more dynamic in their fashion choices, and they allow me the freedom to dress them in a way that mixes both their personality and mine to create a unique ensemble, of which I’m very proud.

LA: What is the biggest fashion faux pas?

RT: The biggest fashion faux-pas for me is too many labels in one outfit. The more philosophical faux-pas for me however, is being afraid to try something new. Fashion shouldn’t be a bore!

LA: A woman should always have WHAT in her wardrobe?
RT: A little red dress 


By Chino R. Hernandez
Featured image by Yukie Sarto

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