How Statement Eyes Can Make a Difference in a Woman's Self-Esteem

With all the innovations on beauty, one may still be unable to fathom how styling eyelashes came to trend. Yet when you look at fashion and beauty icons like Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, and Twiggy, you would recognize how lashes play a role in defining a woman’s beauty. Here in the country, it is quite common to see women having bold eye looks. A beauty maven like Heart Ongpauco-Escudero recognizes partnered with NÉW Lounge to share how styling eyelashes can make a difference in a woman’s self-esteem.

Twiggy and Marilyn Monroe. (Photographs courtesy of Oddities123 and BrightSide).

How luscious lashes came to trend

Men and women in ancient Egypt used kohl and ointments to darken the lashes. Apart from making them look beautiful, it was meant to protect eyes from the rays of the sun. It is interesting to note that in Rome, the Philosopher Pliny the Elder claimed fallouts result from excessive indulging in sexual pleasures. Hence, women protect their eyelashes for the sake of chastity. After Queen Elizabeth sat on the throne, dying lashes with red became the private routine of women.

During the rise of silent films in the 1900s, a fluttering effect for the eyelashes of the actresses trended. It became well-known with Hollywood Director D.W. Griffith’s idea to glue false eyelashes on actress Seena Owen. As the concept changed from waterproof to groovy to mixed, more fashion and beauty icons like Marilyn Monroe, Twiggy, and Madonna wore innovative and statement-making eyelashes. At present, some social gatherings like the MET Gala call for dramatic eyelashes. Thus, from a doll-like effect to glitter-tinged, styling lashes have become a meaningful part of a woman’s routine.

Heart Ongpauco-Escudero as the new muse of NÉW Lounge. (Photograph from NÉW Lounge)
Table decor and giveaways at the launch. (Photograph from NÉW Lounge)

Turning it into a lifestyle

NÉW Lounge partners with Heart Ongpauco-Escudero to share how self-care is important for a woman’s self-esteem. The upscale eyelash, nail, and wellness facility developed its offerings to further help women in polishing their look for the day or for a special occasion. “Not a lot of people realize that they may just be lashes, but they make such a big difference with your self-esteem and the way you face your life” Heart shares during the launch.

Brace Lashes is the latest and exclusive technology that NÉW Lounge brought to the country. As a lift up lash technique, it semi-permanently lifts your natural lashes from the roots. After three to six sessions within three to six months, the technology braces the lashes to ‘hold it’ up. Even after shedding, your natural lashes will start to grow upwards. The result is a long-lasting additional volume to your lashes that further defines your eyes.

Nikki Huang, Heart Ongpauco-Escudero, and Geewel Fuster at the NÉW Lounge launch. (Photograph from NÉW Lounge)

For more information on Brace Lashes by New Lounge PH, you can visit You may also check out NEW Lounge on Facebook and on Instagram. You may also send them an email at or reach them through 09053388941.

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