A Peek Into 3 Of Hollywood’s Shortest Marriages

These personalities married impulsively and regretted their decision, becoming Hollywood’s shortest marriages.

What happens if a marriage is doomed to fail even before it begins? Let’s peek into three of Hollywood’s shortest marriages.

A marriage lasts only when both sides are willing to overlook each other’s differences. However, for these couples, there wasn’t much left to be done.

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Nicolas Cage & Erika Koike – 4 days

Actor Nicolas Cage had a short-lived union with makeup artist Erika Koike as per USA Today. The pair dated since 2018 and got married in Las Vegas in 2019, but it did not last. Their four-day matrimony made them one of Hollywood’s shortest marriages.

“I don’t really want to talk about it. I was pretty upset about that and the way things happened,” Cage uttered.

USA Today mentioned Cage sought an annulment on March 27, 2019, four days after their Vegas wedding. The actor reasoned out that he was too drunk to understand his actions the day he married Koike. Both of them drank “to the point of intoxication” before their ceremony. In addition, Koike apparently had a relationship with another person without his knowledge.

People confirmed a Nevada judge granted them divorce in May of the same year.

Jason Alexander and Britney Spears – 55 hours

Britney Spears tied the knot with her childhood pal Jason Alexander according to People. She revealed in her memoir, The Woman In Me, that she and Alexander kissed and spontaneously headed to their chosen venue at 3:30 a.m

Spears wrote saying people keep asking if she loved him, but the truth was alcohol became an aphrodisiac behind their romance. She and Alexander were never in love. “I was just honestly very drunk — and probably, in a more general sense at that time in my life, very bored,” she said.

Britney Spears has one of Hollywood’s shortest marriages as she stayed married to Jason Alexander for only 55 hours
Britney Spears has one of Hollywood’s shortest marriages as she stayed married to Jason Alexander for only 55 hours/Photo from Matthew Browne via Unsplash

The singer ditched her then-husband 55 hours after the nuptials and filed the annulment. Her affidavit said, “Plaintiff Spears lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable of agreeing to the marriage.”

Alexander later crashed Spears’ private marriage to Sam Asghari in 2022 and was guilty of aggravated trespass and battery. She and Asghari separated in August last year and were only married for 14 months as per The Guardian.

Jean Acker and Rudolph Valentino – 20 minutes

1919 saw the earliest marriage to ever crumble in the Hollywood scene. Jean Acker and Rudolph Valentino met at a party during that year. The former was in a relationship during that time. Guinness World Records mentioned Acker had a romantic connection with an actress named Alla Nazimova, who introduced her to a “sewing circle” or a group of closeted bisexual and lesbian actresses. 

Jean Acker became a wife for only 20 minutes
Jean Acker became a wife for only 20 minutes/Photo from Wikimedia Commons

However, the actress liked Valentino when she got a hold of him and they began a “whirlwind romance.” They married in November of the same year and it was unsure if she truly loved him or if she attempted to hide her sexuality. Acker realized she regretted the marriage, and so she locked Valentino out of their honeymoon suite at the Hollywood Hotel. The union was “never consummated” as per Guinness.

Rudolph Valentino knocked on their honeymoon suite for 20 minutes before walking away from Jean Acker forever.
Rudolph Valentino knocked on their honeymoon suite for 20 minutes before walking away from Jean Acker forever./Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Valentino knocked on the suite for 20 minutes, appeared defeated, and went home. The pair remained legally married until 1921, but the marriage ended 20 minutes after their ceremony. Guinness World Records recognized the couple and awarded them the shortest Hollywood marriage to date. 

Banner photo from Wikimedia Commons.

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