Holiday Inspiration: The Opulent Table of Virginia Lane - LA Wine & Dine

An opulent affair in Virgina Lane’s home is always a special event. Held during the holidays, this particular dinner was attended by family members and close friends. Virginia’s grandchildren were underfoot during the party, enjoying the proceedings.

With walls decked out in trompe l’oeil made to resemble an Italian villa, the home was clearly made to hold showstopping affairs. Tables set with food displayed in artful platters were a feast for the senses.

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Virginia Lane (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
Virginia Lane (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)

The tables were decorated with Virginia’s signature splashy touch of glamour, with plates made to resemble the Japanese design sensibility known as kintsugi, the art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, Christofle flatware. Crystal stemware for glasses of wine were available.

As the night wound down, it was clear everyone was hesitant to leave. A Virginia Lane party is always hard to depart from, with her welcoming personality serving as a balm to a stressed out holiday season. The food, decor and lively conversation made this shindig one for the ages.

Scroll down to see more photos from Virginia Lane’s holiday party…

The tables were decorated with Virginia’s signature splashy touch of glamor, with plates made to resemble the Japanese design sensibility known as kintsugi
The tables were decorated with Virginia’s signature splashy touch of glamour, with plates made to resemble the Japanese design sensibility known as kintsugi (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
Jason Lane, Roisin Hansenm Virginia and Berry Lane, Caspar Hansen, Dwad Lane (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
Jason Lane, Roisin Hansen, Virginia and Gerry Lane, Caspar Hansen, Dwad Lane (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
Jason Lane, Roisin Hansenm Virginia and Berry Lane, Caspar Hansen, Dwad Lane (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
Tables set with food displayed in artful platters were a feast for the senses. (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
The carving station at Virginia Lane's holiday party (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
The carving station at Virginia Lane’s holiday party (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
Food is abundant at a Virginia Lane party (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)
Food is abundant at a Virginia Lane party (Photograph by Hub Pacheco)

This article was originally published in our latest coffee table book “Lifestyle Asia. Millennials. Travel. Entertaining.” To see more parties from Manila’s most discerning hosts and hostesses, you can purchase the book by sending us a private message on Instagram (@lifestyle_asia) or on our Facebook page. The book is also available in leading bookstands.

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