INSTAGRAM ROUND-UP: Where Did Society Go for the Holidays?

The holidays are over, but we’re still day dreaming of adventure-filled mornings, lazy afternoons, and nights bingeing on food and champagne. Before we get further into 2019, we thought we’d leave this Instagram Round-Up here as our “last hurrah” for 2018. These are some of our favorite photos posted by a few people we follow on our Instagram account @lifestyle_asia (Don’t forget to follow us!). Perhaps you can get some travel inspo for your next holiday trip abroad?

From Martine and Cliff’s Taj Mahal photoshoot to Vicki Belo’s Safari adventure, scroll down to see some gorgeous photos of our favorite society people on holiday last December… 

Photograph courtesy of Aivee Teo's Instagram @draivee
Photograph courtesy of Aivee Teo’s Instagram @draivee

Frequent travelers Dr. Aivee and Dr. Z Teo took the children to Hokkaido in Japan for their holiday vacation.

Photograph courtesy of Dani Barretto's Instagram @danibarretto
Photograph courtesy of Dani Barretto’s Instagram @danibarretto

Dani Barretto 
made lasting memories in La La Land last December.

Photograph courtesy of Georgina Wilson's Instagram @ilovegeorgina
Photograph courtesy of Georgina Wilson’s Instagram @ilovegeorgina

Georgina Wilson 
tricked her boys with playful beauty filters while on holiday in London, England. 

Photograph courtesy of Isabelle Daza's Instagram @isabelledaza
Photograph courtesy of Isabelle Daza’s Instagram @isabelledaza

Isabelle Daza 
looked winter chic in her 90s-inspired outfit at Mont Blanc. 

Photograph courtesy of Jacqui Dizon's Instagram @jacquidizonm
Photograph courtesy of Jacqui Dizon’s Instagram @jacquidizonm

Jacqui Dizon 
met her favorite Riverdale actors while in Korea. 

Photograph courtesy of Jessica Kienle Maxwell's Instagram @jesskienle
Photograph courtesy of Jessica Kienle Maxwell’s Instagram @jesskienle

The cold didn’t bother Jessica Kienle Maxwell’s family this December!

Photograph courtesy of Karl Chusuey's Instagram @karlchusuey
Photograph courtesy of Karl Chusuey’s Instagram @karlchusuey

Karl Chusuey 
celebrated his 28th birthday on the beautiful island of Hawaii.

Photograph courtesy of Martine Cajucom's Instagram @martine
Photograph courtesy of Martine Cajucom’s Instagram @martine

Newlyweds Cliff Ho and Martine Cajucom continue their #InstagramGoals with this spontaneous photoshoot in front of the Taj Mahal. 

Photograph courtesy of Pau Alberto's Instagram @paualberto
Photograph courtesy of Pau Alberto’s Instagram @paualberto

Pau Alberto 
tried to stay warm while exploring the Scottish countryside.

Photograph courtesy of Stephanie Zubiri Crespi's Instagram @stephaniezubiri
Photograph courtesy of Stephanie Zubiri Crespi’s Instagram @stephaniezubiri

Stephanie Zubiri Crespi’s 
holiday consisted of long walks through the German woods.

Photograph courtesy of Tim Yap's Instagram @officialtimyap
Photograph courtesy of Tim Yap’s Instagram @officialtimyap

Tim Yap 
found his inner zen while relaxing at Amanpulo. 

Photograph courtesy of Vicki Belo's Instagram @victoria_belo
Photograph courtesy of Vicki Belo’s Instagram @victoria_belo

Vicki Belo, Hayden Kho 
and little Scarlet Snow enjoyed the African safari as a family.

RELATED READS: A Safari Lodge by the Sea: Inside the Gorgeous Donatela Resort in Bohol

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