Let’s Make ‘Thank You’ Notes Great Again

It’s Christmas Eve, and hearts around the world are palpitating with excitement as gifts once idle beneath the Christmas tree are now hours away from being ripped open and enjoyed. As wrapping papers and tags are set to fly in multiple directions tomorrow morning, we urge you to do a few simple things:

Keep the tags.

Pile them up.

Turn them into a list.

Make sure to write them back—and yes, we said write.

We want to make ‘Thank You’ notes great again.

Whilst most can argue that doing the latter is simply counter-productive in the day and age of texts and emails, we beg to differ. There is an old-world charm and heart that lies in receiving a note in the mail, opening it up, and seeing a person’s handwriting in all its imperfect glory thanking you for a fruit cake you may have also given to 10 other people. While surely the other 10 have already sent out a generic text of thanks to you, the memory of that one single note will surely linger.

There is an unspoken dignity, class, and sophistication in the way a person takes their time to scribble down a few heartfelt words directed towards you—yes, you! Imagine that in such a brief moment of time, you were the star in their life. Now that is a type of warmth no amount of texts or emails can ever provide.

As another year does its final curtain call, we urge you to take the next step in relationship building: that is, by being more accountable and more personal. Be present enough to re-emphasize bonds, bridge gaps, and share a piece of yourself to those you wish to thank, not just this season but in every single day you celebrate life.

Here’s to being better human beings.

Thank You for the Dream You Sent Me

To Amy From Roald Dahl, 1989

Dear Amy,

I must write a special letter and thank you for the dream in the bottle. You are the first person in the world who has sent me one of these and it intrigued me very much. I also liked the dream. Tonight I shall go down to the village and blow it through the bedroom window of some sleeping child and see if it works.

With love from,
Roald Dahl

Thank You for Keeping Me Safe on the Moon

To Extravehicular Mobility Unit From Neil A. Armstrong, 1994

To the EMU gang:

I remember noting a quarter century or so ago that an emu was a 6 foot Australian flightless bird. I thought that got most of it right.

It turned out to be one of the most widely photographed spacecraft in history. That was no doubt due to the fact that it was so photogenic. Equally responsible for its success was its characteristic of hiding from view its ugly occupant.

Its true beauty, however, was that it worked. It was tough, reliable and almost cuddly.

To all of you who made it all that it was, I send a quarter century’s worth of thanks and congratulations.


Neil A. Armstrong

Thank You for the Champagne

To Mr. von Fuehlsdorff From Marilyn Monroe

Dear Mr. von Fuehlsdorff:

Thank you for your champagne.
It arrived, I drank it and I was gayer.
Thanks again.

My best,
Marilyn Monroe


Thank You for Including Animals in Your Book

To Yann Martel From Barack Obama

Mr. Martel —

My daughter and I just finished reading Life of Pi together. Both of us agreed we prefer the story with animals.

It is a lovely book — an elegant proof of God, and the power of storytelling.

Thank you.

(Signed, ‘Barack Obama’)

Thank You for the Picture

To Andy Warhol From Elizabeth Taylor

Dearest Andy

I’m so proud I finally have your “Liz” and thank you for signing it so sweetly to me.

I do love you.

Elizabeth or Liz
(of A.W.’s fame)


Thank You for the Music

To Henry Mancini From Audrey Hepburn

Dear Henry,

I have just seen our picture – BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S – this time with your score.

A movie without music is a little bit like an aeroplane without fuel. However beautifully the job is done, we are still on the ground and in a world of reality. Your music has lifted us all up and sent us soaring. Everything we cannot say with words or show with action you have expressed for us. You have done this with so much imagination, fun and beauty.

You are the hippest of cats – and the most sensitive of composers!

Thank you, dear Hank.

Lots of love



Words by Samantha Masigan

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