Lifestyle Asia’s Editor-In-Chief Shares Her Ultimate Travel Essentials

No one does a vacation quite like Anna Sobrepeña. The Editor-In-Chief of Lifestyle Asia is usually seen jet-setting her way across the globe, making memories not just for herself, but to share with the world.

Now, she chooses to share another thing with all of us: her ultimate travel essentials, so you can journey into the world in style just as she does. May this serve as true packing inspiration for your travels this 2018.


Beyond necessities like sunblock, moisturisers, dental floss, toiletries and medicines, my ultimate travel essentials are:

1.  Anawim and Word Among Us prayer meditations


To jumpstart days with a perspective of what is truly important

2. Preferred company


Travel companion/s inclined to flexibility, spontaneity, who appreciate and provide good conversations but are just at ease with silences

3. Sense of humour


To meet the unexpected that could throw a wrench into best laid plans.

4. Platinum credit cards

credit cards

For all the lovely things that money can buy

5.  Extra luggage


that can be packed and unfolded to carry used apparel that are displaced by acquisitions on the trip

6. Stylish and comfortable footwear


that can go from day to night and march everything (although I am still in search for this perfect pair) 

7.  Linda Farrow sunglasses

sunglasses 1

For eye protection and looking fairly decent even without makeup

8. An Hermes shawl

hermes scarf

To dress up any outfit

9. Mobile phone with charger

phone charger

to stay connected, access information and take magazine quality photos

10.  Sign Pen and thank you cards

thank you notes

to write notes of appreciation to people I meet along the way who have contributed to a happy experience

11.  Contact details of friends 

contact details

who can facilitate arrangements for transport, waive excess baggage allowance, reservations in restaurants and shopping privileges

12. A sense of wonder and openness to adventure


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