Lounge Luxuriously At The Heart Of Rwanda’s Gorilla’s Nest

If you thought that the start of 2018 couldn’t get any better, think again.

As we write this, we are (quite impatiently) awaiting the opening of the One&Only Gorilla’s Nest luxury nature resort in Rwanda, which is sure to boast of fantastic views and—get this—first hand interaction with Rwanda’s endangered mountain gorillas and golden monkeys.

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Situated in the foothills of the majestic Virunga Volcano range, One &Only Gorilla’s Nest is the perfect spot to capture a panoramic view of the Rwandan Hills and the volcanoes National Park, as well as interact with authentic Rwandan nature and culture via early morning mountain treks through their vast gorilla trails. Accommodation and service is set to exceed all expectations, just as their local African cuisine is expected to delight the guests’ senses.

To be able to be a first-hand witness to the Earth’s greatest expanse of primate species, to then later on retreat into a cozy sanctuary that offers fantastic views of Rwanda is a privilege and surely enough, the stuff of dreams. Do yourself and your loved ones a service and book now. You would not want to miss this one.

The One&Only Gorilla’s Nest is set to open this 2018, but you can book your rooms as early as now via the following:

Email: info@oneandonlyresorts.com
Phone: +1 (954) 809 2700

Words by Samantha Masigan

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