Cognac Croizet Cuvée Leonie 1858 is the only proper comparison to liquid gold in the world of alcohol. Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the most expensive cognac in the world, a bottle can set you back a cool $157,760. The question is, why is this so expensive compared to other cognacs from the region?
Apart from being hundreds of years old, Rachel Hosie of The Independent reports the cognac’s grapes grew on a vine “that were all destroyed by a virus in the 1870s. There are only just a few bottles remaining.” This particular type of cognac has also been drank by many iconic leaders, such as Winston Churchill and former US President Eisenhower, during their discussions for D-Day back in 1944.

Last 2016, Chinese businessman Jason Wong dropped a whooping £7,000 at the Intercontinental in Hong Kong for a chance to taste the rare cognac. It was the first time it was being sold as a single shot and Wong was first in line for an opportunity to drink the 160-year-old gold in a bottle. The Independent was there the day the Eyarn Lighting Ltd. Chairman tasted the Croizet Cuvée Leonie to cheering crowds. They reported that he gave a thumbs-up to the crowd and showed everybody his bill.
Independent tasting expert Francis Audemard profiled the bottle’s flavors on alcohol specialty site The Whiskey Exchange. He listed the cognac’s notes including that “of dried roses and poppies, fruity notes of coconut, passionflower, and quince” with “woody notes of sandalwood and cedar. Finally, in the empty glass, balsamic and nutmeg.” He also states that it is a “cognac that remains full of vigor” with “a great deal of “fattiness” (physical sensation of thick liquid on the palette coming from concentration through evaporation over the years) and mellowness. Exception length; magnificent elegant; very distrinct.”
As of now, there is no public records on whether a bottle of Cognac Croizet Cuvée Leonie 1858 is for sale. Updates on this page will be made when auctions are opened or announced.
By Chino R. Hernandez