Penny For Your Thoughts: Rare Queen Elizabeth Coins And Bills Are In High Demand Among Collectors

Her Majesty’s memory will carry on not momentarily but monetarily.

The image of Queen Elizabeth II will continue to circulate on money throughout the United Kingdom. Nonetheless, this hasn’t stopped collectors from acquiring rare coins and bills featuring her.

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The demand for rare-issue currencies has increased since the queen’s passing, according to coin dealers.

In fact, Queen Elizabeth II holds the record for most currencies featuring the same individual. Her image appears on at least 33 currencies, according to Guinness World Records.

Guinness said collectors old and new have been sending queries following the death of the United Kingdom’s longest-reigning monarch.

“There’s been an incredible upsurge in demand,” Hattons of London heritage coin specialist Peter Hutchison said.

He estimated that inbound queries surged 45-fold recently worldwide.

“I think we’ll see them increase a considerable amount more now as more people enter the market and try to chase them down,” Hutchison said.

Currencies that recorded the highest demand are limited-issue collector items. These include the British Platinum Jubilee 50-pence coins struck in real platinum and Canada’s 1954 “Devil’s Head” note series.

Banner Photo by frankieleon via Wikimedia Commons.

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