A festival for special guests and patrons was hosted by Rustan’s and the Consulate of Portugal in Manila. A ribbon cutting ceremony included Honorary Consul of Portugal to the Philippines Tony Rufino, Anton Huang, Marilen Tantoco, and Portuguese designer Ricardo Prieto. It opened a vibrant art and home exhibit. The invited snacked on pasteis de nata, empadas and drank delicious Port wine from Brankinho, as they looked at the hand-painted works of artist Arlinda Frota.
Rustan’s, in partnership with the Consulate of Portugal in Manila, invites everyone to celebrate the wonders of Portugal with PORTUGAL DIVINIO!: A Portuguese festival. Be swept away and be inspired by the evocative colors and rich cultural history of Portugal by visiting the 5th floor of Rustan’s Makati from May 11 to May 25, and Rustan’s Shangri-la from May 26 to June 6.
Bordallo Pinheiro
Casa Alegre
The SSI Group, Inc.’s Anton Huang
Portuguese Designer Ricardo Preto, Honorary Consul of Portugal to the Philippines Honorable Tony Rufino, Ambassador Designate of the Philippines to Portugal Celia Anna Feria, award-winning Portuguese artist Arlinda Frota, Rustan’s VP for Home Merchandising Marilen Tantoco, and The SSI Group, Inc.’s Anton Huang
Portuguese Designer Ricardo Preto, Rustan’s VP for Home Merchandising Marilen Tantoco, Ambassador Designate of the Philippines to Portugal Celia Anna Feria, award-winning Portuguese artist Arlinda Frota, The SSI Group, Inc.’s Anton Huang, and Honorary Consul of Portugal to the Philippines Honorable Tony Rufino
Rustan’s VP for Home Merchandising Marilen Tantoco, and Award-winning Portuguese painter Arlinda Frota
Portuguese Designer Ricardo Preto
Miguel Realmonte, Maritoni Tordesillas, Marivic Rufino, Marilen Bantug and Mariana Bantug
Ara D’Aboville, Cris Tabora, Marivic Rufino and Charisse Chuidian
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