Happiness Doctor Lia Bernardo Uses a Combination of Ancient Practices and Modern Science to Help Patients Find Inner Peace

Dr. Lia Bernardo promotes Self-Love through meditation and movement exercises, advising on good nutrition and doing needle-less acupuncture

People have looked for ways of understanding and caring for themselves in the pursuit of happiness. At some point in her life, Dr. Lia Bernardo was no exception. “I was a very emotional person in my younger years. I felt that I could not control my emotions so I looked for ways of dealing with that. I was just sad. Later on, I came to realize that I was sad because I was looking for something outside myself to make me happy.”

Bernardo’s search led her to energy healing, angel therapy and other ways of finding inner peace. Eventually she discovered Psychoneurology, a combination of ancient practices and modern science. She describes the “divine synchronicities,” or a series of fortuitous events, that led her to pursue studies in Psychoneurology and Integrative Health from Beurin University in California, completing a doctorate that appended the title to her name. Bernardo may not be a medical doctor, but to the many people she has helped, she is a healer. Through Psychoneurology, patients have been given the tools needed to make them happy, generate joy and create harmonious relationships with others.

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Dr. Lia Bernardo
Dr. Lia Bernardo

How to be Happy

The American Board of Psychoneurology states, “Psychoneurology proceeds from an initial premise that people are in no way broken nor are their minds or psyches diseased. Psychoneurology provides that these individuals are whole, complete beings who may be experiencing challenges in their lives, specifically because they have not acquired the needed resources (skills, learnings, or coping mechanisms) to either move through the current challenges they are facing, or to be able to maintain their happiness and peace of mind in the face of the current challenges. (Taken from The American & International Boards of Psychoneurology website, 2018).

Bernardo shares, “Psychoneurology is extremely directive in the sense that the patient does the work. They are the ones who can make themselves happy again, but I’m here to help them by teaching them ways by which they can achieve the happiness goals they set.”

Initially, she talks to patients to bring out feelings that are threshed out without dredging and rehashing the past. “They are asked to focus on the present so that they can get to where they want to go.” Succeeding meetings are teaching sessions where Bernardo guides her patients, giving them resources, techniques and concrete ways of channeling their feelings into achieving a more positive outlook.

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Dr. Lia Bernardo talks to patients to bring out feelings that are threshed out without dredging and rehashing the past
Dr. Lia Bernardo talks to patients to bring out feelings that are threshed out without dredging and rehashing the past

Acupuncture Without Needles

“Self-love is something that is lacking in so many people’s lives. We know how to be kind and serve our kids and our partners in life and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that; but we too often neglect ourselves and our own happiness.” Using the “Move, Learn, Grow,” integrative health formula that Dr. Bernardo created, patients learn movement exercises such as Tai Chi, Chi Gung and Yin Yoga along with breath work for oxygenation and meditation, which are spiritual practices that work on the Chi or energy.

“Together we find which of those exercises resonate with each patient and then teach them how to apply these movements at home.” Bernardo also gives guidance on nutrition, since it affects mood and disposition, and consequently contributes to their happiness. She also offers micro-current acupuncture, employing the ancient practice but without the use of needles. “It’s a whole program involving a number of sessions. I don’t put a cap to the number of sessions for each person, because each patient is so different.”

Bernardo shares that some of her patients considers loving one’s self as a wonderful expression of loving God because they believe that God lives within them. Psychoneurology is not a cure-all and does not preclude the need for allopathic or conventional medicine. The drug-free therapies may be considered as complementary to what medical doctors prescribe. It is widely held even in medical circles that a positive mindset contributes to the healing process.

Psychoneurology can be a kind of topping-up of one’s happiness quotient; one need not be suffering from sadness in order to benefit from it.

Dr. Bernardo holds clinic at The Sunshine Place Senior Recreation Center in Makati, and entertains patients of varying ages. She also facilitates workshops on a number of topics like Forgiveness, A Healthy Kitchen & Creative Visualization. She just recently concluded a successful Experiencing Your Wholeness Retreat in March and will be giving another retreat on August 10, 11 & 12. Visit <liabernardo.com> for more information

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