LA Asks: Society Women About Their Health And Beauty Routines

Who doesn’t love getting tips on self-care? Three remarkable Filipinas share their beauty and wellness routines.

This summer in the Philippines, dealing with the intense heat is a big deal. It can leave us feeling thirsty, make our skin dry and irritated, and even cause redness. Plus, the heat leads to more sweating and oily skin, which can result in various skin problems. But hey, we love hitting the beach and soaking up the sun, right? It’s what summer is all about!

The good news is, you’re not alone in wanting to look your best this summer. These amazing Filipinas—Cheryl Tan Chua, Sonia Go, and Carmina Jacob—are here to share their beauty tips and routines with you.

They’re known for being experts in beauty, health, and wellness in Manila, so you can trust their advice to help you shine this summer!

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Cheryl Tan-Chua

Cheryl Tan-Chua, the founder of Beautybox Corp., emphasizes the importance of a nightly beauty routine. “Before bed, I always apply lip balm, hand and foot cream, and then spray a pillow mist,” she shares.

Pillow sprays are essential for a good night’s sleep, helping you fall asleep quickly, sleep deeply, and wake up feeling refreshed.

In the mornings, Chua’s routine is tailored to her oily skin. “I only rinse my face with water,” she says, “then I apply eye cream and moisturizing sunscreen to start my day.”

Chua values self-care and believes that there’s nothing quite like beginning your day on the right foot. “Exercising helps me manage stress and improves my overall well-being,” she explains. She also follows a philosophy of moderation, preferring not to adhere to strict diets.

As someone who embodies health and beauty, Chua is an inspiring figure. She offers advice to her younger self, saying, “I would tell my 25-year-old self to enjoy life and try new things. This exploration will help her discover what is uniquely hers in terms of beauty and health.”

READ ALSO: Resilience And Grit: Cheryl Tan-Chua On How Being In The Business Of Beauty Isn’t About Sitting Pretty

Sonia Go

Moving on to Sonia Go, she keeps her nightly routine simple and effective. “I use a light makeup cleanser, like Shu Uemura, followed by Charlotte Tilbury moisturizer,” she explains.

In the mornings, Go’s routine reflects her minimalist approach. “I start my day with a glass of lemon water and Cetaphil,” she shares.

When it comes to her diet, Go avoids overindulging in nuts. “Not too many nuts! They somehow encourage my pimples to grow,” she notes.

Reflecting on her younger self, Go offers advice. “I would tell my 25-year-old self to drink lots of water, use sunscreen, and moisturize,” she says. These simple practices are integral parts of her daily routine, along with regular exercise and avoiding overthinking things.

Go’s approach to beauty and health is relatable and practical, making it easy for others to incorporate similar habits into their lives.

Carmina Sanchez-Jacob

Carmina Sanchez-Jacob, a fashion entrepreneur, shares her nightly routine, saying, “Nightly, I try to stick to a routine of cleansing with makeup wipes, washing my face with facial foam, and then wiping it with toner. Afterward, I moisturize and do guasha strokes on my face and neck. I don’t do the whole routine as religiously as I should, but maybe 4-5 times a week if I’m being good.” Her approach highlights the importance of self-care.

In the morning, Jacob starts her day with a short thank-you for another day. “Then I brush my teeth, rinse my face, and turn on my phone. I normally head out of the bedroom for my cup of warm water and coffee soon after. On some days, when I can afford it, I walk out to the balcony and enjoy the sunshine.” These simple rituals remind us that appreciating the little things can brighten our day.

Regarding her diet, Jacob explains, “I eat almost everything but in moderation. However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve watched my intake of deep-fried foods, processed junk food, and alcohol. I still have them, but only occasionally.”

If she could give advice to her 25-year-old self, Jacob would say, “Don’t regret taking long hours of sleep. It’s great for your mental health and physical well-being. Also, maybe cut down on the lechon kawali. (That favorite dish led to gallstone issues in my 40s.)”

One thing Jacob swears by and incorporates into her daily life is to “Sleep, hydrate, moisturize, and don’t sweat the small stuff.” These practices contribute to her overall well-being.

Beauty and Balance

Cheryl Tan-Chua, Sonia Go, and Carmina Sanchez-Jacob’s routines and advice remind us of the importance of self-care and mindfulness in our daily lives. 

By following their example of caring for both their physical and mental well-being, we can all strive to live healthier and more balanced lives. 

Let’s take a cue from these inspiring women and prioritize self-care, appreciate the little things, and make healthier choices every day.

Banner photo courtesy of Carmina Sanchez-Jacob.

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