Four dads opened up about their first-time father moments, which marks the beginning of a beautiful journey of starting a family.
Becoming a father is a transformative experience as it is a path filled with a whirlwind of emotions, sacrifices, and responsibilities. It brings a profound sense of purpose and joy, especially when they experience the life-changing touch of their children. Four dads opened up to Lifestyle Asia about their first-time father moments and how they felt upon embarking on a remarkable journey of love. Each of them shared a unique perspective, reflecting on how the journey significantly impacted their identities and priorities.
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Fernando de la Vega
What did you first feel when you became a father?
Fernando de la Vega’s father instincts immediately kicked in upon knowing that he will soon father a child. “I felt an indescribable feeling of true love and an enormous responsibility of protecting my baby girl,” he answered.

How did it feel holding your first baby?
“All I could think at that time was OMG, she’s so small,” he exclaimed. “How can someone so tiny can project so much love?”
What’s your message or hopes for your child/children?
Constanza’s proud dad kept his response short yet meaningful. “Life is all about being happy. Enjoy the moment and always be true to yourself.”
Miguel Suarez
Describe the emotions you experienced when you found out you were going to be a father.
For Miguel Suarez, a burst of feelings began as he found out he will become a father. “There were so many emotions all at once. But, my first thought was that I was grateful my wife and child were both safe and okay.”

What emotions did you feel while holding your newborn for the first time?
Miguel explained, “Holding my first born for the first time was a surreal feeling to say the least. [Upon coming in contact with my child], I thought, ‘How can I do right by you? How can I be a great father?’”
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What are your aspirations and dreams for your child’s future?
“My hope and dream for my children is for them to live in a better world prior to them coming into it,” he commented. “That will be a challenge for us adults right now. How can we make this world a better place for the next generation?”
Timothy Ng
What were your initial thoughts and feelings the moment you realized you had become Anya’s dad?
A mix of shock, anxiety, and love took over when Timothy Ng found out he would be a dad. He always imagined himself to be more mature and put together when that time comes. At first, he said he was surprised when he arrived at that chapter. “How am I going to raise her? How do I protect her? Is there a way to say no to her when she figures out how to be cute? Are there good convents that are boy-free? How does potty training work for a girl?” he asked.
Timothy realized during his first fatherhood moments that life was no longer about the present, and even thought about his own mortality. “I’m more concerned about making sure our family lives on after I’m gone. I think more of the values and traits I want to pass on, much from the family that came before me, to give my children the best chance at a happy life that they can pass on to theirs. There was an urgency to establish security and to be my best self so I can be an example I want my children to follow.”

What did you feel when you first cradled your first baby in your arms?
“My first thoughts were ‘don’t drop her,’” he recollected. “It was surreal to realize that I am now responsible for a little human being. Afterwards, I remember feeling attached and oddly competitive with my wife for favoritism. She was way too adorable and I found myself more affectionate than I anticipated.”
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If you could share one piece of advice or a message to them, what would it be?
Timothy gave a couple of frank yet substantial guidance for his daughter, Anya. “Follow your curiosity. Learn to fail productively. Don’t get too attached to plans, and enjoy the journey. Be grateful whenever you can, and always have faith. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Lead with your heart but don’t be stupid. Enjoy falling in love and falling in love often with hobbies, things, work, and people as those are the gems that make life shine brighter. My only hope for our children is to have the awareness, strength, and character to get them wherever they want to go.”
Hayden Kho
How did you react when you found out you are a dad-to-be?
Hayden Kho mused that Scarlet Snow’s arrival in his life was a granted wish. “It was nothing short of a miracle. I prayed to become a father before turning 35, and she arrived two months before that milestone.”

How would you describe the experience of holding your child for the first time?
One of Hayden’s first fatherhood moments included overwhelming feelings, love, and a sense of responsibility. “There were moments of fear about the world she was entering. But amidst that fear, I felt a strong and determined zeal to provide for her and protect her at all costs.”
What hopes and wishes do you have for your child’s life ahead?
He expressed that his greatest hope for his daughter is for her to know God and develop a close relationship with Him. “ I want her to find success in the right things and to discover her niche in this world where she can truly excel. I dream of her growing up with kindness, resilience, and wisdom, making choices that bring her genuine joy and fulfillment.”
Photos from Fernando de la Vega, Miguel Suarez, Timothy Ng, and Hayden Kho.