These Filipino designers create a range of bags worth adding to your collection.
When buying designer bags, people often look for European fashion houses. Investment bags from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and the quintessential Hermès, are the usual staple brands people go for. But unbeknownst to bag collectors, a blossoming designer bag industry in the Philippines is taking root and ready to flourish.
Local designer bag brands are taking the industry by storm—celebrities and influencers are now giving local brands the attention they deserve. From bags perfect for chill beach days to bags made from exotic leather, local brands have that range. These Filipino designer bag brands are breaking through with their particular designs and masterful craftsmanship.
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The brand was founded by Malou Araneta in 2011. Joanique creates bags that can be likened to art. The Philippine-based designer accessories brand emphasizes Filipino craftsmanship and sustainability.
Zarah Juan
A namesake brand famous for being seen on the Filipino television drama A World Of Married Couples, Zarah Juan is innovating Filipino artistry. Moreover, the brans is usually known for creating bags made from woven wicker, the brand is also known for creating distinctly Filipino and whimsical designs. Mostly known for their jeepney-shaped bags, the brand’s designs tell the story of Filipino culture.
ARANÁZ is the perfect beach bag brand. The brand was founded by the mother-daughter trio of Becky, Amina, and Rosanna Aranaz. The brand creates tropical-themed bags that are always beach-ready and picture-perfect.
Mark Bumgarner
The eponymous brand is known for creating wearable masterpieces, but the brand also creates amazing bags. The brand just released its new collection of bags that are made of calf and stingray leather. Bumgarner is one of the few local brands that use exotic leather on their bags.
Banner photo ARANÁZ Instagram @aranaz_ph.