Michelle Pozon reveals how beauty is the ever-present spark of creation rekindled.
Michelle Pozon believes that “the biggest crisis of our time is that too many of us feel un-beautiful and un-loved.” She dares to ask, “What if we could effect meaningful change on the planet simply by being our beautiful selves?” The Beauty Deck was created to help us rediscover our own beauty and be the change that we seek.
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Hailing from eight cities across three continents, Pozon has been designing dresses and styling women’s wardrobes since she was just five years old. While she received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science she followed another path and immersed herself in fashion, designing the first of three eponymous labels in San Fransisco when she was only 24. Little did she know then that she would create three more labels in New York and then Paris before becoming The Closet Guru, Paris at age 46.
In 2014 a condensed version of her “My Paris Story-Living, Loving, and Leaping without a Net in the City of Light,” was published with The Paris Women of Success. Having devoted her life to wellness and social justice, she believes that her life’s work has been to create a means to heal our learned misunderstanding of beauty and help us all feel beautiful. Pozon intimates, “I believe that when we feel beautiful, we show up beautifully in the world. And when we step into our beauty, we find the courage and curiosity to live our lives as impeccable platforms for our ideals.”
Conceived in Paris right before the COVID-19 outbreak, The Beauty Deck came into full fruition and was birthed in Lisbon. Pozon shared that as the virus has evolved into variants, the cards have become lifelines, showing us how much more alike we are than different, regardless of our color, creed, or country.
In this video Michelle elaborates on what it means to be a Spiritual Stylist. She says, “Healing our relationship with beauty is our point of entry. Understanding and taking command of our wardrobe and possessions will transmute our fears into grace. By aligning our consumption with our values we can care for others simply by caring for ourselves.”
The Spiritual Stylist says, “Beauty is love expressed and ugliness is love withheld. Beauty is love expressed and knowledge is richer when shared. May this deck inspire and lead you to the beauty that you seek, and be a source of joy and courage as you find your way home.”
The Beauty Deck Artwork is by Poonam Malpani, who describes herself as a dance crazy color freak, a people hugger, a smiler, and a lover. She says that ever since she remembers being, she has been an artist. Malpani shares, “I rely heavily on my intuition in life and especially in my art. I love and practice very many forms of art like painting, body painting, designing clothes, mixed media, wall murals, and dance, as art comes to me most effortlessly. It’s the joy of creating something that does not already exist in the world that excites me the most.”
Check out The Beauty Deck on Instagram if you’d like to know more. The set comes with 53 cards for intuitive affirmation and healing and a guide book containing 53 in-depth messages, one for each of the 53 cards to help one fully engage in its meaning.
Banner photo courtesy of Michelle Pozon.